To Accomodate Fox TV Schedule, World Series Slated to Start in 2013

Monday, October 26, 2009

In recent years, Major League Baseball has been notorious for scheduling playoffs games to meet the needs of television networks. The World Series match-up between the Phillies and Yankees is no exception. To accomodate Fox and their primetime programming, the series is not slated to start until 2013.

"Fox is giving us a boatload of money," said MLB commissioner Bud Selig. "So we have to accomodate every request that they throw our way. It doesn't matter if we lose fans in the process, we have to schedule our games around Fox's programming."

To no one's surprise, Fox is very happy with the arrangement.

"We are very pleased that Bud Selig and MLB meet our requests for the scheduling of playoff and World Series games, even if the breaks in between games are completely ridiculous," said a Fox executive. "But we can assure the American baseball fan that the Phillies-Yankees World Series will begin in 2013, right after House and American Idol finish their successful runs on our network."


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