How is Pittsburgh Commemorating the Pirates Record Setting Loss?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New pirates logo?
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With the Pittsburgh Pirates setting a record for consecutive losing seasons for major North American sports, one wonders, "How will Pittsburgh commemorate this achievement?" Here's how some are celebrating:

*By pouring champagne back into bottles in the Pirate clubhouse.

*By holding a parade through downtown Pittsburgh while driving in reverse. Instead of falling confetti, it will somehow be shot into the sky.

*By avoiding all riots, as citizens will stay sober and not turn over any cars or set any cars on fire.

*By learning the names of some of the players. This must be done quickly, however, as 80% of their current roster will most likely be traded by next season.

*By destroying all visual evidence of the season, rather than creating a highlight DVD.

*By becoming a fan of the Phillies.

*The Pirates still have a team? GO STEELERS!


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